REGINA VITÁNYI | graphic designer | printmaker | based in Estonia | speculative design | experimental typography | folklore | linguistics | interactive objects | community building | insects & ecology


Center of Contemporary Arts in Glasgow:

"The Blanket" short film featured during Samizdat Eastern European Film Festival

2024 (EE)

Tartu Illustration Festival (TIF):

Workshop & Panel discussion at the Tartu Illustration Festival

2024 (EE)

Estonian National Museum (ERM):

48 hour film workshop during the Finno Ugric Film Festival | Animated short created & screened: "The Blanket"

2024 (NL)

ONOMATOPEE Publishers:

Risograph print "ÕÕ" featured at location in Eindhoven | Topic: Folklore & Critical research

2024 (TW)

SpaceSpace Taiwan:

Risograph zine "Udu - A zine about Estonian Folklore" exhibited at location | Topic: Experimental publication design

2024 (HU,EE)


Zine publication. Risograph zine "Udu - A zine about Estonian Folklore", presented at ISBN Gallery + Bookstore, Budapest.

2023 (HU)

Q Contemporary | Budapest Photo Week:

Exhibition design and risograph printing for K. T. Márton & K. Soma at Q Contemporary, as part of the Budapest Photo Week

2023 (USA)

Animation Film Festivals:

Animated short "Our Tight House" is screened at the New York Animation Film Awards, San Diego International Kids Festival and more.

2023 (HU)

Jury | Anilogue Film Festival:

Critical jury member for animated feature films | Uránia theater, Budapest

2023 (HU)

Award | Best Animated TV Series (KAFF):

Animated short "Our Tight House" wins Best Animated TV Series at Hungary's most significant animation film festival | Bálint Ágnes prize

2023 (EE)

Published pocket-books:

Complete book design for the Estonian edition of two Hungarian literature classics (Nagu lind, Sangar Janos)

2022 (HU)

Budapest Art Hall / Műcsarnok:

Exhibited during "Common Space" | 2nd National Salon of Applied Arts and Design | Budapest

2022 (DE)

Fresh AIR Berlin:

Artist in resicence | Group exhibition | Location-specific publication

2021 (UA)

Award | UYBDA Best Book Design:

"Shadows - A book about Estonian folklore" won the main prize at UYBDA design awards

2021 (HU)

Award | ArtHungry Graphic Design:

"Shadows - A book about Estonian folklore" wins an award on ArtHungry, Hungary's main cultural platform.

2021 (HU)

Feature | Hype & Hyper:

"One minute stories" was featured in Hungary's leading design magazine, Hype&Hyper

2021 (UA)

Award | UYBDA Best Book Design:

"One minute stories" won the main prize at UYBDA design awards

Regina Vitányi is a Hungarian visual designer, working in the field of cultural projects from moving image to print, with a special focus on folklore. Vitányi has won international awards for artist’s book projects which explore interactivity in printed media. Her research on Estonian folklore has resulted in multiple projects including zines and books, which were also presented by the Budapest Art Hall, National Salon of Applied Arts and Design.

Vitányi has gained an expertise at risograph printing, which has resulted in multiple zine publications tackling topics of personal mythology and folk beliefs. As part of her graphic design career, Vitányi works for an international clientele and focuses on projects related to literature, theatre, architecture and other cultural fields.

She was a lecturer at Budapest Metropolitan University, working with international groups, focusing on graphic design, printmaking, typogrpahy, editorial design and self-management in the creative industry. Vitányi is currently based in Estonia.

Timeline of events

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