Printmaking, Illustration
Tree/bark: Worldbuilding from found materials
Viewpoints: Silcksreen on objects | Installation
Photojournal of a landscape: A collaction of altered photographs | Found materials
Fire Ants = Fine Arts: Silkscreen on objects | A functional ceramic set with ants
The project is the result of periodical visits to the forests near
Vienna. The goal was to forage for collage material, and the
collected tree barks were then incorporated into a series of
prints/digital collages.
The current material can be understood as the beginning of a
process. The graphics are to be printed with mezzotint and mixed
media, possibly expanded into a site-specific installation.
Mixed media, location: Vienna, Austria
Photojournal of a landscape
Photojournal of a Landscape is a project that bridges the
past and present through manual photomanipulation. Using found
photographs from Polish antique stores, I stitched Eastern
European soc-realist buildings into images where these structures
either didn't exist yet or held a different significance at the
time they were captured. The result is a juxtaposition that
explores the evolving meaning of these landscapes.
The backsides of the photos add another layer, rendering the
buildings in nonfigurative forms. Price stickers - a few zlotys -
mark what were once personal memories. These buildings fade and
distort just like the memories they intrude upon. Through this
intervention, the project reflects on the transformation of both
space and memory in the context of socio-political change.
Found photography, mixed media | Location: Poland
Viewpoints is a experiment during which found objects are
re-contextualised though silkscreen printing and interaction.
Fragmented images and sentences with abstact meaning are mounted
onto the object, which gain a changing meaning depending on the
position of the viewer.
Silkscreen printing on objects | Exhibited in Wiesbaden,
Fire Ants = Fine Arts
Ants make art.
A functional ceramic set. I have spent long hours looking at ants,
now I can continue to do so during breakfast.